A term coined by philosophers Felix Guattari and Arne Naess, Ecosophy, a portmanteau of ecology and philosophy, is described as "a philosophy of ecological harmony or equilibrium." Paul Larson describes Paul Winter's Missa Gaia as the ecosophical movement's musical masterpiece. Missa Gaia is rooted in the realization that humans and non-humans are "of one household (ecos)." He also writes, "Missa Gaia is a musical cathedral because its genesis is rooted in interdependent communal musical action for a sacred purpose." Naturally, Winter's music can help form the core of an eco-literate music curriculum; providing a lot of space for generating discussions that matter.
Naturally, I was excited when I came across a book & CD, "The Music of Paul Winter: Earth -- Voices of a Planet," by Marilyn Copeland Davidson (who was involved with the Share the Music series). I look forward to delving deeper into it. But so far, I can see in the teacher's edition that this is a series of listening lessons, with suggestions for student improvisations (so active listening). There is also a student book, which I did not order. To use an example, on p. 5 the song "Appalachian Morning" by Paul Halley (long-time organist with Paul Winter) shares outcomes (including pictures, poems, and essays intended for a presentation), along with improvisation in 5/4, and movement suggestions. While the directions in the book are quite strict (not at all uncommon today; and was expected in music education publications in 1994), I intend to use these lessons far more liberally, allowing students to guide much more of the process (in addition to the product). For less than $15 (USD) "The Music of Paul Winter" is a good pickup for music teachers intending to implement music education for eco-literacy.
I'm beginning to think that a resources page might be useful. So, I may begin to share resources, in addition to songs, choral, band, and orchestra works, and the blog.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecosophy
Link: http://home.moravian.edu/public/relig/ecoSpirit/issues/Vol1No2.pdf
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Music-Paul-Winter-Voices-Planet/dp/0769253210/
Link: https://youtu.be/0z1TsrG4rWs
Link: https://www.routledge.com/Eco-Literate-Music-Pedagogy/Shevock/p/book/9780415792578