School Orchestra for Eco-Literacy
Though I taught elementary orchestra for a decade in the Pittsburgh Public Schools (and for a few years taught the first-year violin group lessons with Centers), I didn't play in high school orchestra (my high school didn't even have an orchestra) and I do not know which literature is appropriate for that age group. So, if you have any suggests, please email me at [email protected] and I'll add appropriate literature here. Some classics, like Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony, provide excellent opportunities to have conversations that matter around ecological issues.
From J.W. Pepper's string orchestra list. Here are two about flowers, which can be used to open conversations about culture and nature, including the well-being of bees:
The Brilliant Red Shandandan Flowers, Albert Wang, "Rich harmonies transport the listener to the hillsides of Shanxi Province, home to the bright red blossoms. The song is widely popular in China and can be sung by nearly every adult in the country."
Fantasy on a Japanese Folk Song, Brian Balmages, "The haunting Sakura melody moves through stunning and beautiful transformations in this musical fantasy before finally coming to rest."